
martes, 24 de diciembre de 2013


A CHRISTMAS CAROL,  por Monseñor Robert Hugh Benson
There went a merry company
    On the road to Bethlehem,
Going all to taxed be
By the governour's decree
    On the road to Bethlehem --
Would I had been there to see.
Would I had been there to see
    On the road to Bethlehem;
Mary, Joseph, pray for me!
Coldly blew the wind and snow
    On the road to Bethlehem.
Two there were that walkèd slow,
All that day so long ago,
    On the road to Bethlehem;
Would I had been there also.
Would I had been there to see
    On the road to Bethlehem;
Mary, Joseph, pray for me!
One, a maid of high degree,
    On the road to Bethlehem,
Walking, walking wearily; --
"Joseph -- Joseph, wait for me
    On the road to Bethlehem!"
Would I had been there to see.
Would I had been then to see
    On the road to Bethlehem;
Mary, Joseph, pray for me!
Thus they came the town within,
    To the town of Bethlehem
Sought they straight the public inn,
So they might a shelter win
    In the town of Bethlehem;
See them tirling at the pin.
Would I had been there to see
    On the road to Bethlehem;
Mary, Joseph, pray for me!
"Get you gone -- the night is late
    In the town of Bethlehem."
Hear them chapping at the gate,
Richer folk both small and great,
    In the town of Bethlehem
When they knock the poor must wait.
Would I had seen there to see
    On the road to Bethlehem;
Mary, Joseph, pray for me!
Sought they straight the stable door
    In the town of Bethlehem.
Mary dropped upon the floor;
Wearied was she -- wearied sore
    In the town of Bethlehem.
"Joseph dear -- I can no more."
Would I had been there to see
    On the road to Bethlehem;
Mary, Joseph, pray for me!
"Cheer thee, cheer thee, Mary Maid,
    In the town of Bethlehem --
See the straw is smoothly laid."
Poor folks' wages, poorly paid,
    In the town of Bethlehem!
Would I had been there to aid.
Would I had been there to see
    On the road to Bethlehem;
Mary, Joseph, pray for me!
What a lodging, cold and bare,
    In the town of Bethlehem.
Bring me wrappings fine and fair,
Silk and satin rich and rare,
    In the town of Bethlehem --
Lay our Lady softly there!
Would I had been there to see
    On the road to Bethlehem;
Mary, Joseph, pray for me!
Nay, no silk or satin bright
    In the town of Bethlehem
Think ye on this wondrous sight
Soon to see: The Lord of Light
    In the town of Bethlehem
Comes in lowliness to-night.
Would I had been there to see
    On the road to Bethlehem;
Mary, Joseph, pray for me!
Ox and ass with patient pace,
    In the town of Bethlehem,
Mark the Maiden full of grace
Lying by the manger-place
    In the town of Bethlehem --
Lying in such sorry case.
Would I had been there to see
    On the road to Bethlehem;
Mary, Joseph, pray for me!
Ere the night had passed to morn,
    In the town of Bethlehem,
Rose the Sun on us forlorn
In the manger old and worn,
    In the town of Bethlehem,
Jesus Christ our Lord was born.
Would I had been there to see
    On the road to Bethlehem;
Mary, Joseph, pray for me!
Eastern Kings are on their way
    To the town of Bethlehem;
Shepherds run ere break of day
At His Feet their vows to pay
    In the town of Bethlehem,
Where a God Incarnate lay.
Would I had been there to see
    On the road to Bethlehem;
Mary, Joseph, pray for me!
Christian souls, with one accord
    Come to Holy Bethlehem
Meet Him at His Holy Board
Praise the Saviour, praise the Lord, --
    In the town of Bethlehem
Who on us His glory poured!
Would I had been there to see
    In the town of Bethlehem;
Mary, Joseph, pray for me!
 Queridos lectores:He traducido este villancico escrito por Monseñor Benson, pero en español no es lo mismo. Las rimas no calzan...no suena igual, así que he decidido publicarlo en su idioma original. Que tengan ustedes una muy feliz navidad. Que al menos es este día el ruido del mundo se apague en nuestros corazones y nos quedemos con el silencio del Sagrado Niño recién nacido que duerme en paz en los brazos de su Santa Madre.Un abrazo a todos,Beatrice

6 comentarios:

  1. Muchas gracias, señora, igual para usted y los suyos.

  2. FELIZ NAVIDAD AMIGA MIA !!!!! Conceda DIOS TODOPODEROSO lo mejor para vos y tu familia.

    criollo y andaluz

    1. Querido amigo: Muchas gracias por tus saludos. Un gran abrazo navideño para ti y para tu hermosa familia,

  3. Feliz Navidad, estimada Beatrice, para usted, su esposo y vuestros hijos. Un fuerte abrazo
    Alejandro Bilyk

    1. Querido don Alex:
      Gracias por acordarse de nosotros. Reciba usted nuestro afecto en estas fiestas, y que el Divino Niño le bendiga a usted y familia...y que Vórtice nos regale un mar de sus habituales excelentes publicaciones,
      Un abrazo,


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